To study my research questions focusing on ants and the hidden network of arthropods that live in and around their nests, I use a wide variety of approaches:
field experiments: assessing abiotic and biotic drivers of diversity change, manipulation experiments, functioning of natural systems (with Dries Bonte, Ugent)
lab experiments: behavioral tests, tracking experiments, aggression tests
chemical analyses: nest recognition cues (GCMS, with Tom Wenseleers, KU Leuven), stable isotopes (with Pascal Boeckx, Ugent), lipid analyses, sugar and amino acid analysis (HPLC, with Wim Van den Ende, KU Leuven)
molecular approaches: barcoding, microbiome, endosymbionts (with Nicky Wybouw, Ugent Piotr Łukasik, Jagiellonian)
theoretical ecology approaches (with Frederik de Laender, UNamur)
© Jens Zarka