Thomas Parmentier
ecology | ants | myrmecophiles
Welcome to my website.
I am a research professor (FNRS Chercheur Qualifié) from Belgium focusing on interactions between ants and symbiotic arthropods. An introduction to these fascinating organisms can be found here.
I combine behavioral, ecological, chemical, food web, network, and molecular methodologies in my research. This integrative approach allows me to explore how ant-symbiont communities operate and adapt when exposed to human-induced changes.
I am affiliated to the Unit of Social Ecology at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Feel free to reach out, send an e-mail to thomas.parmentier(at)ulb.be or check my social media accounts.
I'm always open for new collaborations and fresh research ideas.
starting as associate Editor of
Ecological Entomology
starting a permanent position as research professor (FNRS CQ) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
new paper in BMC Biology
click here
new paper in Communications Biology
click here
new paper in Insectes Sociaux
click here

research systems
about me